- A consent form to have the user's permission to use the recordings from the testing. Here's what I'll be using:
Participant Consent Form
User-Centered Design – Task Analysis
By signing this form I agree to participate in this research and understand:
- This agreement is of my own free will
- I have had the opportunity to ask any questions about the study
- I realise that I may withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason
- I have been given full information regarding the aims of the research
- All personal information provided by myself will remain confidential and no information that identifies me will be made publically available
Signed: ................................................. Date: ....................................
(by participant)
Print name: ..................................................................
Signed on behalf of researcher
Signed: ................................................. Date: ....................................
Print Name: ..................................................................
- A background questionnaire - So when looking at the results you can deduct why the results turned out a certain way by looking at the person's backround information. This is the questionnaire I will be giving my users:
Gender: M / F
0 – 15K __________
15 – 25K __________
25 – 40K __________
40K + __________
Computer skills:
Terrible | Not Very Good | Good | Very Good |
| | | |
How Often Do You Shop Online?
Never | Hardly | Once A Month | Once A Week | Everyday |
| | | | |
Do You Shop At Online Supermarkets? Yes / No
If Yes, Do You Shop With The Online Supermarkets That Do Delivery? Yes / No
- A script of what I should read to each user before doing the test, which explains what they need to do. A script is used so each user is given exactly the same information. This is my script:
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this usability study today. I will be working from this script to ensure that my instructions to everyone who participates in the study are the same.
The aim of the study is to observe how people shop online using a supermarket website.
This session will be recorded so I have a back-up of how each study went and so I can look back at them for further analysing.
In this study you will be given a simple task of buying a few items on a supermarket website. This isn't a test on you, it is a test on how easy the website is to use.
You will start the task from the website's homepage. As you work through the task, say aloud what you are doing or thinking. For example, if you are clicking a button, say which one you are clicking and why. e.g. "I'm looking for bread so I'm clicking on the bakery button."
At the end of the task I will ask you some questions about the website.
You've read through the task and the information that is needed for it. Are there any questions before we begin?
- The task problem. I will be giving the user a sheet of what they need to do and any information they will need to use to do it. Here is what it will say:
Task Analysis Problem
You would like to buy some items from an online supermarket site and have them delivered to your home.
The 5 items you require are:
Bread (wholemeal, unsliced);
Milk (semi-skimmed, 2 pints, organic);
Red wine (price limit £5.00);
Spaghetti 500g (price check);
Tin tomatoes (chopped).
I will also supply the following details, in order for the user to get up to the purchasing stage, of which need to be different for each test user:
Card Details
- Video/audio device to record the session and something to make notes with
- Debrief questionnaire. Questions will be asked verbally and this session will also be recorded. Here are the questions I will be asking:
Task Analysis Questionnaire
1) What were your general first impressions of the site?
2) How easy did you find it to locate the items on the shopping list?
3) Were there any particular problems you encountered when using the site?
4) Were there any features of the site that you found difficult to use?
5) Were there any features of the site that behaved in unexpected ways?
6) Were there any features you would like to have seen on the site that were not available?
7) How do you think the site could be improved?
8) Would you use the site again?
- Then I will thank the user and say goodbye.
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