Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Usability Test On Final Design

What would normally happen after the task analysis and the testing on the current design, would be an evaluation on the results and then a re-design if appropriate. The new design would then be tested as well, but in my case, I can't re-make a working prototype on the scale of the Sainsbury's website in the given time for this project. Later on I will be showing some of my own designs that would solve the issues found in the testing. What I've done here is tested the site as it is again, but adjusting the the task slightly and adding some questions to the de-briefing questionnaire. You can see from the images below the changes made. The script was kept the same.

Here is the video recording of the test:

Usability Testing from michael bale on Vimeo.

(There was a problem uploading the screen capture recording. You can see what happened from the other video, but I will try get this one working.)

This user had no real problems using the site. Having never used the site before, they found the navigation layout was very helpful. There was one slight fault, which was down to the test organisers. The user thought that they had to log in first using the false details provided, but they wouldn't work because because those details hadn't been registered yet. This was the first time that this has happened, but it should have been made clear to the user that the false details were for after checking out.

Coming next in the next few posts will be a design specification document and my own design ideas of how the supermarket website could be layed out.

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